Subject: Beyond the Mailbox, a Ride in an Idaho Forest (or maybe not) 2/23/2011, 3:15 pm
For those of you who are not members of the other TW200 forum, I am posting this little ride video for you to watch.
For those of us in the northern states where the weather puts a crimp in our riding, I have been putting together short video's while testing my camera mount. I'm satisfied with the way I have the mount now, and took a longer ride last week on an unusually warm day. I think it got in the mid 60's. I am fortunate enought to have some BLM land right out my doorstep, or should I say, driveway step (ha ha), and can take these short, yet treeless rides. This ride lasted about 2 hours, though it didn't satisfy my riding itch. I know, I know, there are those who are less fortunate with the riding opportunities in regards to weather, so I shouldn't complain too much about my riding itch. Ironically, is snowed the next day and winter has returned with stormy weather.
So here is another video from; "The Admiral's Goofball Productions", (I hope that's not copywrited). Still have a sound issue with the cowling/instrument area of the TW so I turned way way down the motorcycle sound (with large amounts of buzzing sounds), and attached some youtube music to make this seven minutes or so of viewing, just a little less boring.
Beyond the Mailbox, a Ride in an Idaho Forest (or maybe not)